Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Personal Shopper

The youngest son decided that he wanted clothes from us for his birthday this year. Since he has gotten taller and also thinned out I wasn't too sure what size clothes he really wears anymore so I determined that he needed to be included in the shopping experience. However, this son and I don't necessarily see eye to eye on what looks nice and I wasn't looking forward to this event. I was very happy to give his sister some cash and let her take him to the stores. They did a good job purchasing items that met my criteria and came home with quite a few bags of clothes for him.

He was so excited to model for those of us that didn't get to go on the shopping excursion, that he dropped his pants right away when he got home(or so it appears in this picture).
They discovered today that the son is apparently a "pants square". He wears size 34X34 jeans. The most exciting purchase of the day, in the son's opinion at least, were a pair of LeBron James shoes. He bought those with his own birthday money.

Today I am grateful for

a daughter that is willing to take my son shopping and has good taste as well.
Ross - where you can dress for less.
peach shakes from Chik-fil-a.

One year ago today - Boogie Boarding at the Beach

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