Friday, May 23, 2008


Why do I live in Tempe, AZ if I love the rain?

Why do I have boys in my life if it isn't to take out the trash and carry heavy boxes?

Why does the same 15-year-old who so adamantly and not so nicely tells me over and over again all afternoon that he is perfectly capable of packing a suitcase and does not need his mother's help suddenly become helpless at 2:00 in the morning when he finally gets around to doing it?

Why do gasoline prices go up 10 cents a gallon overnight when there is a holiday when they're already higher than they should be? $3.75 a gallon - that's ridiculous!

There are so many questions I have going through my head. For some of them the answer seems obvious. I live in Tempe because that's where my husband has a job and I kind of like living with my hubby and having money. However the obvious answer is not the right one today. I live in Tempe so that when it is a beautiful, 65 degree, rainy day during the almost last week of May I can truly, truly appreciate it for the blessing and wonder that it is. If I lived in Seattle I probably wouldn't recognize today as a perfect weather day.

Oh, and the reason I have boys in my life is so one of them can drive that same helpless 15-year-old to his 3:00 AM rendezvous with the Priest's group and I don't have to.

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