Wednesday, May 28, 2008


My children all have a bad habit of procrastinating. I have never been able to figure out where they get it from. Certainly not me. Today the youngest was suppose to sign into his summer online health class. If he didn't sign on he would be dropped from the class. At 9:00 my cell phone alarm rang and I reminded him that it needed to be done. Of course he was planning on doing it and had it all under control but right then was not the time. I dropped a few hints and issued a few reminders throughout the day, but there was always something else he HAD TO DO at that moment. About 5:00 I said, "Let's go do it now!" and went to the computer to log onto the internet. Lo and behold there was no internet service. I picked up the phone and there was no dial tone. I announced that we were going to the library to sign in since it had to be done. There was door slamming and loud, annoying remarks. From the son, not me, although I felt like voicing my opinion in a very loud manner. We grabbed the instruction sheet that told us how to sign on, drove to the library and made our first attempt... no such user name. Then our second attempt... no such user name. This continued for about 20 attempts and more than a few whispered, annoying remarks. We were in the library after all. Finally, he sent an e-mail to the instructor explaining the problem and asking what he should do and we went back home.

The hubby was home when we got there and he called the phone company on his cell phone and they assured us that the phone would be fixed by 7:00 PM - tomorrow. As a side note here I will mention that this phone not working had been a common (once a month) occurance until recently when the phone company finally reburied the phone line in our alley that has been laying above the ground for about 2 years and got sliced everytime the city cleaned up the alley. We were hoping our phone troubles were over, but this wasn't looking promising. Usually it takes 2 to 3 days to get service again so at least 1 day sounded better. To make a long story a little bit shorter, about 8:00 we got a call that our phone was fixed and we were able to use the internet, get the correct user name from the e-mail the teacher had responded to and sign into the class. Hooray!! All those loud annoying words for nothing!

Message to my Children - Don't put off until 5:00 what you can do at 9:00.

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