Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Shower Surfing

My husband decided to take up a new hobby this morning and tried a little spontaneous shower surfing. I'm sorry to say that it didn't turn out so well for him. He took a rather graceless spill and twisted his knee in the process. It was rather fortuitous that he was headed to the doctor for a routine visit following his morning shower. The doctor checked out his knee and told him that it was just a bad pull and instructed him to stay off of it for a few days. I guess that's one way to get a longer paid holiday, but not a way that I would recommend. He isn't really enjoying his vacation all that much. I think he wishes he had a wife that was a little more sympathetic. In my defense, I am sympathetic. I just don't know what to do to help. I did make him lunch. Does that count for something??

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