Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Bad Feeling

Have you ever just had a really
bad feeling
about something
with no real evidence to tell you
why you have that feeling?
I can remember two very specific times
in my life when this has happened.
The first time happened quite a few years ago.
My little family (it was little, that's how long ago it was)
was returning home from a trip to Disneyland
via San Diego and Sea World.
It was getting rather late at night
when we arrived in Gila Bend
and decided to drive toward Buckeye
and connect up with the East bound I-10.
As my hubby drove
I started to get a bad feeling.
The further he drove the worse I felt.
I could hardly sit still in the car
the feeling was so strong.
We needed to not go that way.
Finally I told my husband
we needed to turn around and
drive toward Casa Grande
and hit the freeway there.
I told him I didn't know why
but that was the feeling I had.
To his credit,
he didn't question me
and immediately turned around
even though it meant we would be
extending our trip by quite a bit.
I never found out why I had that feeling.
I don't know what might have happened
if we had continued down the road we were on.
The second time occurred a few years ago.
My oldest daughter had been away to college
but was home for the holidays.
Early New Year's Eve she decided she wanted
to drive to St. George to celebrate
the arrival of the new year with some friends there.
I am always up for an adventure and
decided our whole family should go.

However, as we began to prepare,
once again, I got a very bad feeling
about this decision.
I shared the feeling with my daughter
and told her I didn't think we should go.
She let me know that she thought
I was being unreasonable
and a party-pooper to boot
and declared that she was going by herself
if no one else would go with her.
This didn't help the feeling at all.
I asked her to try to understand
and to pray before she made her final decision.
After what felt like a long half hour
she informed me
that she had decided not to go.

I never found out why I had that feeling.
I don't know what would have happened
if we (or she) had driven to St. George that day.
Tonight I am experiencing one of those feelings.
I'm not totally sure why
and I don't really know how to turn around
and change direction to alleviate this feeling.
Like the experience with my daughter
the decision is pretty much out of my control
and I just have to pray
that everything will turn out o.k.
I hope I never find out why I had this feeling.
Today I am thankful for
family members who understand the importance of voting.
a new vacuum cleaner belt.
no more political commercials.


Doug Cheever said...

It is extremely hard to not have a bad feeling with the direction that the country seems to be going at this point. All we can do is continue trying to make good decisions for ourselves and work to create a good example.

Danae said...

I enjoy your bog. You tell funny stories but many times you make such poignant statements. I also had a bad feeling yesterday and decided to fill my mind with recent conference addresses to try to eliminate all the negatives. If we will endure it well...