Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Beach Bummed

Well, the decision was made today that there aren't enough women available and able to go to the beach this year for "our annual break from reality" to make it financially feasible, so our reservation has been cancelled and there will be no Beach Trip 2009. I am truly bummed, but life goes on. Even though I am sad about the end of a fun thing, I am even happier that I got to be included in this awesome activity for the past two years and that I got to share it with each of my daughters. We all have some wonderful memories of our time at the beach together.

1 comment:

missykac said...

I'm sorry. I know looking forward to vacations can be alot of the fun. It's too bad that this tradition has ended. You are lucky that you are having beach weather at your house right now. We keep getting rain,wind and snow. At least this way the turns were even with your daughters, so one didn't feel short changed. Now you just need to come up with something equally fun to do with friends or family. Also, now you definately will be available to help with the friend's kid's wedding and not be worrying about enjoying to things.