Thursday, April 2, 2009

To Drive Thru or Not to Drive Thru

I was very excited to receive a refund check from the oral surgeon in the mail a couple of days ago. Apparently if you get a dry socket they feel bad for you and give you some of your money back. Actually, the insurance paid a lot more than they had predicted it would and so we got two thirds of our payment returned. Hooray! It was a pretty fair amount of money, which the youngest son insisted should be signed over to him since he was the one who suffered the pain. Unfortunately for him, and fortunately for us, the check was made out to his father and therefore the money went back into our checking account.
This morning I took the check to the bank to deposit it. I considered whether I should get out of the car and take it inside or just do it at the drive thru ATM. I think it is pretty cool now when you deposit a check in the ATM you put your card in and then you just slide the check into the machine and it prints you out a pretty little picture of the check and credits your account. It's super easy. However, this morning I decided that the good Lord blessed me with two legs so I could walk into the bank and not just sit on my backside. I filled out the deposit slip, walked in and got in line. There were about 4 people ahead of me. Quickly the roving employee approached me and asked what had brought me in to the bank today. I wanted to say the two legs that the good Lord blessed me with, but I refrained. Remember we are working on our sarcasm in our household at the moment. Anyway, I told her I was making a deposit and she invited me to the front counter to assist me. While she was helping me she asked, "Have you ever used the drive thru ATM to deposit a check"? I replied, "Yes." "It's so much quicker for you, and so easy. I don't know why everyone doesn't do it." Here I had made the "better" choice to actually get out of my car and walk inside and I felt I was being reprimanded. I responded with "but then I wouldn't have gotten to see your happy, smiling face." I'm not sure she was looking that happy after my remark. I guess next time I need to make a deposit I'll probably just drive thru.
On the way home I decided to stop at McDonalds and buy me a McDouble for lunch. Now, I do have legs, but I pretty much always choose to use fast food drive thrus. Going inside is a hassle. I ordered my hamburger, plain of course since that is the way I like it. I got to the second window, gave the employee my money and waited and waited and waited. Finally the employee tried to give me a drink, but I hadn't ordered a drink. I told her what I was waiting for and she looked in about four bags, decided on one and handed it to me. As I was driving away I decided to double check that she had actually given me what I ordered. It was indeed a McDouble, but not plain. I parked my car and went inside. I waited in the line where a gentleman was taking orders. Finally a woman came to a different register and asked if she could help me. I told her I had ordered my sandwich plain, but it wasn't. She turned to the male employee and told him my problem and he responded, "I know." "I know?" He walked to the warmer, picked up my special order sandwich, put it in a bag and handed it to me. "Mistake." Personally I think he just wanted me to see his happy, smiling face.

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