Thursday, April 29, 2010

They've Got Their Daddy's Toes

First it was the youngest son,


Then it was the oldest son's turn.

Now the oldest daughter has proof too.

They all got their Daddy's toes - the ingrown ones that is.

Today I am thankful that

I have avoided ingrown toenails in my life, so far.
I got to spend some extra time with the hubby today.
my daughter brought me flowers just because.


missykac said...

Sorry to burst your bubble. I've got the problem too. Very painful and not fun to have clipped out!
I didn't get colorful bandages though. I'm not related to your husband. Maybe you're just lucky. Hope so!!

Janaya L. Johnson said...

it would seem to everyone that i have been exempt from this family trait, but i was just never smart enough to have a doctor fix it, i just handle the problem myself. ouch! <3.