Friday, April 9, 2010

Random Questions from my Week

What is it I am looking for that I can't ever seem to find?
Why does the car seat always seem to be where it's not suppose to be?
Why does everything seem simpler in theory than in real life?
How was I so lucky to find the man I married?
Why don't I always appreciate him like I should?
Where am I going to put it?
How do you teach a baby to crawl?
Why would I want a baby to know how to crawl?
Why am I such a loser visiting teacher?
Why do I have a debit card in my purse that expired in 2008?
Do I have another one somewhere that hasn't expired?
Why tell me half the story if you're not going to tell me the other half?
Why does prom have to cost so much?
Why does a baby sleep so much better in someone's arms than in a bed?
Where is my son ever going to wear that ribbon shirt?
At what age do people stop smiling with their whole face?
How would I feel if my son didn't come home at night?
Why is General Conference not being broadcast on public television where I live?
Why does an airplane ticket from Idaho Falls to Phoenix cost $500 and require 2 layovers?
Why does punishing your children frequently require punishing yourself as well?
Why is it so hard for me to push the publish button on all the blog drafts I have written?
What's for dinner?
Who's eating dinner here?
Why did you buy pizza 30 minutes before dinner?
Why do people think making a bad choice will make their life easier?
Why do other people's choices have to affect so many people besides themselves?
Where could my library card be?
Why do we buy toys for kids when they would rather play with an empty soda cup, a water bottle and a pile of junk mail?
Why would anyone choose a hard boiled egg over one filled with money or one made of chocolate?
Why can't I enjoy the beautiful 80 degree weather instead of worrying about when it's going to hit 100?
Can post-partum depression last 26 years?
and the ever popular...
Why do I do the things I do when I know the things I know?


Angela said...

Great questions. It sounds like you have alot of blog material here. I agree with you who wants hard boiled Easter eggs. The plastic kind filled with chocolate are the best. Also don't let that baby just sleep in your arms. He's got to learn to sleep in a bed (for your sake as well as his parents). Good luck finding the answers you are looking for.

missykac said...

My sentiments EXACTLY! Gosh you have alot going on in your life. You are a very important person to so many people.

Love ya,

Danae said...

I loved those questions. Seems like a lot of us have the same questions. But- I would hold that baby when he sleeps. He will only be little enough to snuggle for such a short time!