The grandson is 4 weeks old today. The oldest daughter and I were discussing how he doesn't look or act as much like a newborn anymore. He is definitely getting more curious and likes to try to stand on his head to find people when they walk away from him. He also seems to enjoy going places and checking out all the new things he can see. Today the community had a health fair for the employees and I wanted to attend and get a flu shot for free. The daughter had some insurance questions so she and the baby went along too. Grandpa was more than happy to show off his adorable grandson and even though we may think the boy is getting big, lots of people there commented on how new he still looked. The hubby even treated us to lunch at the Two Waters cafeteria (where he eats most days). We had turkey, sweet potatoes and green beans and it was all yummy.
The oldest daughter decided that while we were out she wanted to hit the after Halloween sales at Target. We found a few fun holiday things for 75% off and some new little boy clothes in the next size up that were marked way down. I love bargain shopping and apparently it has rubbed off on the girl.
We had such a good time that we picked the youngest son up from school and dragged him to another Target with us. He was impressed by the humongous bag of Starbursts and Skittles that he discovered. I think the little guy was impressed too. It looks like he's counting on his fingers how many pieces his uncle is going to share with him.
His uncle says that yellow is a girl color and we shouldn't make him wear yellow, but we were just happy to find this onesie in the bottom of the diaper bag when he leaked through his diaper. He still looks like a handsome little boy to me.
Today I am grateful for
free flu shots and hopefully no flu.
a daughter to go shopping with.
a son that chose to buy Skittles and Starbursts because those don't tempt me like chocolate does.
I totally remember those poop blowouts. I'm glad you had a onsie on hand for him to wear. I can tell you are really enjoying this new little baby. He is adorable!! I can't wait to hear more of his adventures.
Shad is looking different( maybe older) but still a very handsome boy (even in yellow). It's so amazing how their little special personalities come out so early in their young lives. Yes, he obviously is very loved(rightfully so)! Keep sharing and love ya!
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