Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ready or Not...

Here he comes?

Well, the son-in-law has announced on Facebook that my oldest daughter has been admitted to the hospital under doctor's orders to be induced and get this little boy on his way into the world. I guess that gives me permission to put in my two cents worth. This evening, at her regularly scheduled appointment, her blood pressure was a little bit high. The doctor said it wasn't a problem at the moment, but could become a problem so he would like to speed things up a little bit. 3 hours later she has an IV and some "miracle gel" that will hopefully convince her body that it is ready to deliver a baby. She will be monitored for 12 hours to see if the gel does the trick and then the medical professionals will decided where to go from there.

While the two of them are enjoying the luxury accommodations for the night perhaps they can decide what to name this little guy. I doubt they'll be doing a whole lot of sleeping.

Today I am grateful for

lds.org. It's unbelieveable how easy it is to find past church talks (and a whole bunch of other stuff).
medical professionals.
clean laundry.
a husband who is smarter than me when it comes to computer printers.


Angela said...

I am sooo excited for you. I'll be praying that the delivery goes well and that it's not a c-section delivery (once you have one it is almost impossible to have a natural birth with future pregnancies). I am so glad it's not me having a baby in the hospital.

Becky and Ben said...

I am so happy for you and them! I can't wait to see pictures of that little guy. I just adore babies (especially other people's babies that I don't have to live with). Please keep up posted!

Janaya L. Johnson said...

well well, i would just like to state that i am pretty sure an amazing young lady said something about the baby coming six days before the due date, what was the due date? october 12th? and its october 6th? and the doctor decided TODAY that he is to come out?? well well, interesting, very interesting indeed. its not exactly the same, but i say close enough! <3.