Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today my mom offically moved into an assisted living facility. It is a really nice place with beautiful private apartments, delicious meals served three times a day, and lots of fun activites to keep her entertained. When I took the tour with her back in July I was ready to move in too. It sounded that wonderful. She was ready for this change and is happy to have the move behind her.
I think this move was a good choice. It's lonely to live by yourself, especially when you have health challenges that make it difficult to get around and do some things for yourself. Mom was ready to have less responsiblility for a home and a yard. This change will also take some of the pressure off of the family members who live close to mom and have been helping her out for the last year. Her home is now much closer to my sister who has taken much of the responsiblility for mom upon herself. It is also closer to one brother and the same distance, in the opposite direction, from my other brother. This change will hopefully make life easier for everyone.
Mom is a very social person and I'm sure she will enjoy having other people around and things to look forward to each day. I am excited for her as she begins this new chapter in her life.
I am really happy about this change and feel good about it. I know it is the right decision for her and our family. Having said that and sincerely meaning it, I have been surprised at how emotional I have been about this move. I was thinking that perhaps this was because it happened quite quickly once she got all her ducks in a row (or got all her ducks moved to new homes as the case may be), but that still didn't really make sense to me. After much musing on this subject I finally realized where these tender feelings stem from. I have lived in Arizona for over 20 years and it pretty much feels like home to our family. My children don't really remember ever living anywhere else. My husband is an Arizona native and so this has always been home to him. However, there is a part of me that still considers Utah home. It was where I spent the first almost 30 years of my life. It was where I learned to talk like a hick. It holds a lot of wonderful memories, milestones and landmarks for me. Arizona is now where I live, and home in many ways, but I have always known that if I ever needed a Utah fix. If I ever needed to experience seasons. If I ever wanted to go back to my roots, my mom's house would always have an open door and was only a 10 to 12 hour drive away. One long day in a car and I could be "home". Apparently that knowledge has been a bigger comfort to me than I realized. Suddenly I feel homeless even though I am sitting in my own home.

Today I am thankful for

family members who worked hard to make mom's move as smooth as possible.
a dad who planned and provided for my mom's future.
wonderful memories of home.

One year ago today - Get a Clue!


Janaya L. Johnson said...

that is interesting, to me home is 1048 e. frost dr. when i used to be having a bad day/night i would go for a drive and i would always end up right in front of 1048 e. frost dr. once i was there i would finally be able to find peace and comfort and know what i should do. <3.

Dianne said...

Actually 1048 E. Frost Dr was Emily's house. We lived at 1042 E. Frost Drive. However, you did spend a lot of time at Emily's so perhaps that was what you really meant.