Saturday, August 22, 2009

*#@*# Costco

Sometimes it amazes me how dysfunctional I am. I can work myself into a state over the silliest things. As mentioned previously, I have started making my youngest son a green smoothie every morning. The main ingredient of a green smoothie is spinach and Costco has the best price that I have found for bagged spinach. It is much cheaper and comes in a much larger bag than the spinach at the regular grocery store. Now, for my issue. I have a very strong aversion to Costco. Read I HATE COSTCO (but I would never say that because hate is such a strong word and I really try to avoid using it.) Up to this point I have depended on my daughters, who both are more normal than I and have no obvious dislike for Costco, to purchase my spinach. However, this is a burden for them, requires me to have cash on hand or remember that I owe them money (yes, I do remember I still owe both of you money), and isn't all that convenient for either of us. I have succumbed to buying expensive grocery store spinach at times rather than make my daughters go to Costco and once I even bought a bunch of fresh spinach, which was cheaper, but that was pretty much a disaster. The son said his green smoothie tasted like dirt and refused to drink it. Perhaps I should have removed all the stems, but that is a lot of work at 6:30 in the morning. I checked Smart and Final in the hopes that they would carry large bags of spinach, but nope, only lettuce. Finally on Thursday I decided that I needed to break down and buy myself a Costco membership. However, I convinced myself that if I want the hubby on the card he needed to accompany me to the store and so was able to put the trip off until this weekend. Last night I asked my husband to remind me that I needed to go to Costco to purchase a membership today. Well, today he reminded me and I was busy - I needed to type the bulletin, didn't I? He reminded me again - I couldn't leave the house yet because my mom was going to call to discuss what items I wanted for my inheritance. He reminded me again - I still needed to take a shower before I could go. Later he reminded me once more - I needed to wait for my hair to dry so I could get my picture taken. I wondered how long I could postpone the trip and asked the hubby if he knew when Costco closed. He didn't but suggested I look times up on the Internet. I couldn't do that because remember I _____ Costco, even their website. He looked the times up for me. They close at 6:00 PM on Saturday. By this time it was 3:00. I pondered this information and then informed the husband that I would buy spinach from Frys today and we could take a trip to Costco for FHE on Monday. Ah, instant relief. You see I don't like Costco, but I detest Costco on Saturday. Unfortunately on Monday I have to deal with my Costco conflict once more. Then if I do purchase a membership I will be visiting Costco at least once a week to buy spinach. That's a lot of Costco visits that I am already dreading. I want to just buy expensive spinach, but I can't do that when I know it is available cheaper somewhere else. I am too big of a tightwad to do that. I wish I could figure out what it is I don't like about Costco. I know I don't like that the closest one is not all that close, but I would drive a lot further to visit a thrift store, a Target or a JoAnns. I know that I think Costco is over priced on a lot of items and I could get a better deal at the grocery store with coupons and sales but I also know they do have the best deal on spinach. I know I buy stuff I don't need and spend more money than I want to when I shop there but I could learn to practice self control. I know the tall shelves, lack of navigating skills, and TOO MANY PEOPLE make me crazy when I go there but you've probably figured out from this post that I'm crazy anyway. What is wrong with me?? Why do I have these strong, negative feelings toward Costco?? Maybe I need Costco Counseling. Intervention treatment. Professional help. What is a woman to do? Any suggestions? It's obvious that I need help. This is right up there on the list of major anxiety causing issues along with talking on the telephone, feeding the missionaries, and all the red price tags they used to have on the shelves at Safeway. I'm seriously considering planting a garden of spinach.


Mom Jones said...

Wow, I didn't know you had Costco issues. I used to have Home Depot issues. I seriously would get so stressed when I was in there and couldn't find what I needed. I would actually get a case of the runs sometimes. Sorry, maybe you didn't want to know that. Anyways,
you are not alone!
Next time I'm going to Costco I will call you and see if you need some spinach.

Angela said...

I really like Costco and I think you will too. Get your membership and give it time. You will probubly find lots of other things to buy there for a good deal too. My kids love the Italian meatballs and we put them on our spaghetti every week. The bananas and Romaine lettuce are also great. I'm excited to hear how your experience Monday night goes!

mom of fab five said...

I had no idea you had such HATE in your heart...:) so a Costco membership for your birthday would not make you happy i am guessing--you need to shop at the right time of day in costco--I prefer the mornings or around 5 and then it is not crowded--avoid the weekend and lunch at all costs--it does get a bit crazy but they do feed you samples at that time of day--also it is cheaper if you are added to someone elses card--maybe your daughters? And the gas is usually .10 cheaper also if that makes you feel better and you can't beat a polish and drink for $1.50 and when you are then can you pick me up some spinach?

I also like their big bags of frozen fruit--way cheaper and so are the little smokies and beef jerky and dried mangos

mom of fab five said...

Oh i forgot to mention that they also have church books there from time to time--cheaper than anywhere else--but i try to stay away from that area--it is dangerous--kinda like the real bookstores--and one more good thing about costco is they will take stuff back no questions asked--like if your spinach tastes dirty--take it back!