Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mother Daughter Date

Today the youngest daughter and I went to the movies and out to lunch while all the less fortunate family members went to school or work. It was fun to get to spend some one on one time with this daughter. We went to see the movie Julie & Julia.

From the moment I first saw the preview for this show I have wanted to see it. The 2 1/2 minute trailer made me laugh, it made me cry, and I could relate in many ways with both characters. Although I have never professed to be a cook and personally think most of the recipes in Julia Child's French cookbook sound disgusting, I have always been intrigued by Julia Child, the person, especially since I learned that she was a spy during World War II. I felt like this movie really made her personality come to life and I learned a lot of things about her that I didn't know before. I also loved Julie Powell's idea to cook every recipe in the Julia Child cookbook and blog about her experience. I will admit that I love blogs and would love to come up with a blog project that I could really get into like this one. Something that other people would be interested in reading, that would eventually turn into a book and then a movie... I'm still looking for that elusive idea, but keep your eyes peeled. You never know when it might happen and then you will be able to say, 'I was with her from the very beginning".

Now, for my thoughts on the movie. I really, really enjoyed it! It was definitely not full of action- packed adventure, but lots of subtle humor, retrospection, self-discovery and lessons about life. I was pleased to find out that both characters were married to the significant men in their lives rather than just living with them. This doesn't happen too often in today's movies. The only thing I didn't like about the movie was the language, but after quickly perusing Julie Powell's blogs and a preview for her book, I have discovered that the language could have been so much worse than it was. To quote Julie Powell "I happen to believe that curse words are vital parts of the language, and I write accordingly." Everyone is entitled to their personal opinion (although I still believe that my opinion is the right one) and I would personally like to thank the movie writers/editors who chose to leave most of her colorful words out of the film. My daughter wasn't as big a fan of the movie as I was, but she is still young enough to enjoy non-stop action and adventure. She felt that there was way too much cooking going on.

After the movie we went to PEI-WEI for some of their yummy spicy chicken salad and it was definitely still yummy. While we were there we got to participate in a "Chinese Fire drill". Apparently a belt on some type of machinery broke and although there was no fire, the restaurant filled with smoke and we all got to jump up and find new seats on the patio. Unfortunately there were fewer seats outside than there had been people inside and some people opted to just abandon their food and leave, but the daughter and I stuck around to enjoy every bite. Fortunately it was a cooler day than most of the ones we have been experiencing recently and eating al fresco was rather fun. Thanks daughter for suggesting such a fun day!

Today I am thankful for

a daughter to have fun with.
$5.00 matinees (who would have ever thought that $5.00 for a movie would sound like such a good deal) and a movie gift card that made the movie only cost us 50 cents.
something to look forward to. In just a couple of hours I am off for a getaway with my friends.

One year ago today - Family Life Merit Badge

1 comment:

Angela said...

I need to find a lady to go to this movie with. Scott isn't very interested in it, can you believe that?