Friday, November 11, 2011

11/11/11 11:11 AM

Today we had a Relief Society activity to work on some of our unfinished crafts. It wasn't too well attended - way too many things to do on a day off from work and school, but those of us that were there enjoyed ourselves immensely. One of the sisters set her alarm to go off just before 11:11 so we could all make a wish. Here are the wish makers. I love all the intense thought that is going on.

I still had time to make my own wish. 11:11 does last for a whole minute you know. Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of my thoughtful face.

This is the project I was working on today.

I bought this sewing at a thrift store before last Thanksgiving. I just think the children and animals giving thanks are so sweet. Now it is almost Thanksgiving again and I have not made much progress toward my goal of turning it into a pillow. Well actually, my friend's cat thought it made a perfect pillow just the way it is.

It has been awhile since I did any crewel like this and my eyes and my glasses had a hard time working together to do it. I find it is easiest to take my glasses off and hold it close to see, but then I get a big kink in my neck and I can't sew and watch TV with my glasses off. Getting older is full of so many challenges. Maybe by next Thanksgiving I will actually have this pillow on display.

Today I am thankful for

brakes that actually work on my van even though it took 9 months, 3 attempts, over $1,000 and 2 establishments to finally get it right.
women who know me and still like me.
Fall weather.
all the men and women who have sacrificed so much so I can enjoy life as I know it.


missykac said...

Love the pillow picture and will love seeing the pillow finished whenever you have it made. I can relate to the sewing and wearing glasses and watching tv. Guess we're related in another way. I'm glad your van has brakes, you have good friends and I get to be your sister. Love ya!

Angela said...

what a cute craft you are working on. I can't wait to see it as a pillow. We forgot to watch for 11:11 at our house so no wishing here. Your trip to Disneyland looked fun.