Monday, September 6, 2010

Labor Day

It's called LABOR Day for a reason.

As you can see, our lawn is as ready for the long, hot summer to be over as I am.

Today I am thankful that

this weekend had 3 days in it.
the youngest son and the hubby helped me do some yard work.
other people think the grandson is as entertaining as I do. It is going to be a rude awakening for both of us when people stop thinking he is adorable.
the youngest daughter arrived safely in Rexburg.


Danae said...

My sister lives in Tucson, she does not have any grass. We labored on Labor Day, painting the exterior of the house and made the boys do several projects too. They complained about working on a holiday
until I told them it is LABOR day, so go labor!

missykac said...

I can see why you are thankful for all the things that you listed. It sounds and looks like Labor Day was a busy day. Hope you took time to celebrate a holiday too.
Love ya,