Sunday, July 4, 2010

We All Fall Down!

Today at church the primary president and the secretary were gone. The other counselor was doing sharing time, so I was the designated runner. I went into nursery to take the roll and see how things were going. It was singing time and the leaders were trying to get the toys picked up so everyone could sing. The children weren't being very cooperative, so I decided to stay and help get the toys in the cupboard. I guess it has been too long since I was in nursery because as I was encouraging helpers and picking a few toys up myself, I tripped over a little boy who had wrapped himself around my leg. I knew I was going to be sitting on the floor soon and I had visions of this small child smashed beneath me. I grabbed him on the way down and we ended up sitting next to each other. I looked at him and said, "We both fell down, but we're ok, right?" He looked at me and started laughing. He laughed and laughed, stood up, brushed his hands off and said, "Again!" Obviously falling down is easier when you are 2 and 2 feet tall than it is when you are my age. He thought it was a fun game, and I was just grateful that nothing was broken.
It was interesting that as soon as I was seating on the floor I suddenly became every child's favorite person. I immediately had a lapful of friends who wanted to share their toys or tell me their stories. Some of my former nursery children like to pretend they don't know who I am anymore, so it was fun to feel like I belonged again for a few minutes. The nursery leaders probably wished I hadn't stayed to help clean up since I was more of a distraction than a help.

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