Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sunday Dinner at Grandma's (and Grandpa's)

Today we had a pretty small group at our house for dinner. It was just the oldest daughter, the grandbaby, the hubby, and me. The son-in-law has been hiking with the scouts at Philmont for the past 12 days (only 2 more to go), the oldest son and the youngest son and their dinner guests are in Idaho/Utah visiting the youngest daughter and the youngest daughter is in Idaho being visited. The grandbaby is feeling a little abandoned by the men in his life and tried to keep a close eye on grandpa today to make sure he didn't disappear too. His bib may say he loves grandma, but he was definitely a grandpa fan today.

When the grandbaby doesn't get food passed to him quickly enough he has taken to yelling at the top of his lungs to make sure we know he is hungry and being ignored. His mom has been working on getting him to make the sign for more instead of screaming.

She is having some success. After he screams a few times, and she shows him the sign and says more a few times, he will make some kind of motion with his hands (he usually claps) and then he gets more food. Here he is demonstrating. Isn't he just the smartest little boy in the whole world?

The high chair he is sitting in is a hand-me-down from my mom's house. I have not been able to determine if it is the high chair I used, but I know it has been in the family for as long as I can remember. Looking at this picture, it appears to have accumulated a lovely gray tint over the years. The tray is very white and clean though. I know it has been replaced since I have been an adult so I'm pretty sure it's not painted with lead paint.
This is what the grandson looks like when he is tired of sitting in the high chair and wants to get out and go home to bed.
I guess the oldest daughter needs to start working on "all done" soon.
Today I am grateful for

creamed peas and potatoes, even runny ones.
extended family members who try to support my family, even when it's not easy.
all the good visiting teachers and home teachers I have had over the years.


Angela said...

I love that you have Grandma Cheever's highchair. I used it for a few months while I babysat in our Provo townhouse before Scott graduated. I loved that thing. It is so short and compact and just plain cute.

iheartmesa said...

Thanks for sending that info about the museums our way. We love getting that kind of thing, so please feel free to let us know about stuff going on any time! My youngest just turned one and we are working on the same two signs right now with him. It's the sweetest thing to see the little ones signing. Precious! ~Marily