Monday, June 10, 2013

I Love the Lord (Be Still My Soul)

Yesterday when I was looking for a talk on youtube I ran across this song. It is a paraphrase of 2 Nephi 4 - which is often referred to as Nephi's Psalm. I have a lot of favorite scriptures, but I frequently turn to this chapter - verses 16-35 - when I am down and discouraged and need to be reminded how to get up and move on. It gives me comfort to know that even a prophet as great as Nephi, had moments of doubt, discouragement and self-recrimination, but my favorite part of these verses is how quickly he remembers where his strength comes from and how great, wonderful and merciful the Lord is.

Oh, that I can grow daily to be more like Nephi.

This song was performed at the April 2007 Priesthood Session of conference by the BYU Men's Choir.  The arrangement is by Ronald Staheli and the lyrics were paraphrased by John Tanner.

I was excited to find out that this song is also included on the album entitled "Set Apart" by the BYU Men's Choir which is available to download for FREE right now. Check it out here.  There are a number of great songs.

1 comment:

Watson Family said...

Such beautiful music, words and pictures! Thank you for sharing this, and your thoughts, truly!