Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Today I am grateful for

shade - that makes sitting outside in Mesa in June feel "not that bad".
ice cubes. We go through a lot of ice at our house in the summer.
obscure holidays that result in my husband having the day off of work. Today is SRPMIC day for those of you who didn't know, and for those of you who still feel clueless, today is the day that the Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community became a recognized indian reservation.

1 comment:

Janaya L. Johnson said...

so, it has been warm here lately, and my roomies all keep crying about hot it is, and they always make the mistake of saying, "isn't it SOOO hot?" to which i always reply. "no, its warm." and then they get mad at me for not justifying them, but how can i when i know how hot it is for you? haha. anyways, just thought i'd let you know.